Monday, June 13, 2011

Save the Manuals Contest: Show Us Your Knob (Again)

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It's time once again for you to show us pictures of your knobs.  Is your pistol-grip shifter actually a firearm? Have a red button on your knob that deploys an oil slick or shoots rockets out of your fog lights? Send us images of your ridiculous or ridiculously cool shifters, knobs, and boots—and see what others are using to do their shifting.

To submit your pictures, simply upload them in a Backfires comment below. (You must be a member of Backfires to submit and vote, so make sure to sign up first!) The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 17 at 12:00 P.M. eastern time. There will be two winners: one will be picked by the Car and Driver editors, while the other winning knob will be determined by the number of "likes" each photo garners in Backfires.

Winners will be announced next Monday, June 20, and will be awarded a Save the Manuals prize pack. Good luck and happy shifting!

Last Year's First and Second Place Knobs

Car and Driver 14 Jun, 2011

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